Teak Lumber

Why Choose FSC® Plantation Teak Lumber?

Scientific studies have proven that the properties of FSC plantation teak and old-growth forest teak wood are virtually identical. Both types of teak are characterized by dense, durable and beautifully grained wood. Using the same growing conditions, plantation-grown teak is virtually identical to the timber produced in Southeast Asia’s tropical forests with less impact on the environment.

But, while plantation teak and the old growth forest teak are essentially similar, choosing plantation teak certified by the Forest Stewardship Council™ rewards proper growing techniques that are environmentally friendly, saves on material cost and does not support corrupt governments. Because Pacific Coast Teak has chosen its FSC® plantation teak areas carefully, less water and less fertilizer is needed to grow our teak. By growing teak on plantations, sustainable harvesting is accomplished without environmental degradation. As well as growing teak in South and Central America greatly reduces shipping costs.

Quality Factors of Our FSC Plantation Teak Lumber

It is important to point out that not all plantation teak lumber is of the same quality. Some plantations receive too much rainfall or are artificially irrigated while others don’t receive proper nutrients and must be fertilized.

We carefully choose the location of our plantations to match the proper precipitation levels and soil conditions of the native soils of the teak tree. The result is slow grown teak lumber with a dense grain that comes very close to matching structural and aesthetic characteristics of old-growth teak.

FSC plantation teak lumber is grown and harvested on plantations in conditions to that of teak’s native environment. Our plantations use no extra irrigation and/or fertilizers resulting in an environmentally balanced growing efforts.

Our Teak Plantation

Pacific Coast Teak has chosen its FSC teak plantation areas carefully. By growing teak on plantations and sustainable harvesting is accomplished without environmental deforestation and growing teak in plantations in Central and South America greatly reduces shipping costs. Our teak plantation grown lumber is managed in a renewable sustainable environment. Teak (Tectona grandis) is one of the most well known timbers of the world. Its timber qualities include attractiveness in color and grain, durability, lightness with strength, ease of seasoning without splitting and cracking, ease of working and carving, resistance to termite, fungus, and weathering, etc. The main objective of our teak plantations is to produce high quality timber trees with good growth.

Graded Teak Lumber

Teak lumber is characterized by its density, durability, strength and alluring honey-gold wood grain. It’s also uniquely water-resistant and resistant to pests such as termites, mold and mildew.

Our plantations offer teak lumber from a reliable and a conflict-free source without contributing to the destruction of Southeast Asia’s tropical forests. Our plantations in South and Central America follow strict FSC standards for growth, harvesting, sustainability and reforestation of the teak plantations. Our lumber comes from old growth, high quality trees to produce the best teak lumber available on the market.

All of our lumber is kiln dried to 6-8% moisture content.

See our Specifications